U.S. Should Apologize for Its Anti-DPRK Conspiratorial Document and Retract It: KCNA Commentary

From the Korean Central News Agency

(Once again, via a Chinese proxy server)

Pyongyang, January 29 (KCNA) — The “report of the Inquiry Commission” on the human rights performance in the DPRK, which served as a basis of the anti-DPRK “human rights resolution” rammed through the plenary meeting of the 69th UN General Assembly in December last year by the hostile forces, is now being ridiculed and censured by the international community.

Sin Tong Hyok, who had come out as a primary “testifier” when cooking up the “report”, confessed that he had made false “testimonies.” This brought to light once again the absurdity and reactionary nature of the U.S.-led anti-DPRK “human rights” racket.

Leading media of the Western countries including the U.S., the U.K., France and Germany, commenting on Sin’s confession, claimed that they doubt the credibility of the “report of the Inquiry Commission” and the “human rights resolution” based on it and they cannot believe the remarks of the “defectors from the north” who were forced by backstage forces to tell lies. They also asserted that the U.S., which tried to refer the “human rights issue of north Korea” to the International Criminal Court, is finding itself in a very awkward position due to Sin’s confession.

The U.S. which had been desperate in its anti-DPRK “human rights” campaign by taking “defectors from the north” to the UN and other international arenas sustained bitter shame before the international community. “Defectors from the north” reportedly hesitate to join in the “human rights” conspiratorial farce.

This is a natural outcome of the base and impudent act of the U.S. which attempted to mock at the conscience of the world public by internationalizing and hyping the non-existence “human rights issue” of someone. It also clearly proves that the UN “human rights resolution” is no more than a product of conspiracy as it does not deserve even a passing note.

This not withstanding, Washington and its followers, far from making an apology for their wrongdoings the truth behind which has been disclosed, are behaving in a base and vicious manner in a bid to justify their bankrupt anti-DPRK “human rights” resolution, crying out for continued international pressure upon the DPRK and the like.

This is no more than ridiculous piffle of the brazen-faced ones.

The former chairman and the special rapporteur of the “Inquiry Commission” who impudently behaved as servants of the U.S. are busy touring here and there, making clumsy excuses and asserting the “report” based on the testimonies made by “defectors from the north” and the “resolution” still remain valid.

This is nothing but the last-ditch effort to make their farce strongly censured by the international community sound plausible and internationalize the “human rights issue” of the DPRK at any cost.

As already disclosed, those who cooked up the “report” are all bribed political swindlers and despicable human scum.

Christopher Black, member of the Law Society of the Canadian Senate and an international criminal lawyer, in his article titled “North Korea, UN, Declaration of War” claimed that one cannot but be shocked at the fact that Kirby, Biserko and Darusman, the three members of the Inquiry Commission, all had been involved in operations sponsored by the organizations working for the CIA.

As far as the former chairman of the “Inquiry Commission” Kirby is concerned, he is an old sexual maniac who earned an ill-fame for his decades-long homosexuality. He, under the mask of “lawyer”, even cried out for legitimacy of homosexual marriage censured even by people of his country and has been keen on perpetrating only politically-motivated frauds and swindle. He is also a heinous anti-DPRK confrontation element with an inveterate bad habit of interpreting its system in a Nazi manner.

Darusman is an opportunist who became a member of the Golkar party in Indonesia which earned an ill-fame by murdering with the CIA help 500 000 communists and people linked to leftist and labour circles in 1965. He is also an adviser to the United States Indonesia Society, a U.S. government front group and a member of the Global Leadership Foundation whose patrons include such unsavory characters as George W. Bush and Lech Walesa.

As seen above, the three members are all the worst betes noires rare to be found in the world who bartered away their dignity as human beings for the money paid by the U.S.

The confession of the “defector from the north” again clearly proved that all the remarks made by “defectors” in ambiguous manner are unbelievable and the “report of the Inquiry Commission” is no more than a conspiratorial document. So, it is needless to say that all the anti-DPRK “human rights resolutions” railroaded on the basis of them are invalid.

The U.S.-led hostile forces should make an apology for cooking up the anti-DPRK “resolution” based on lies told by Sin and other betes noires and retract it at once. -0-

Comment: The KCNA’s statement is further evidence that the DPRK is an anti-Leftist state. By “Leftism” I mean raw unprincipled nihilism. In his multi-volume autobiography “With The Century”, President Kim Il Sung consistently warns against the dangers of Leftism. Kim Il Sung was principled. The DPRK is principled. By “principled”, I mean that both the President and the DPRK stand for something profoundly important. They posit something beyond themselves, beyond the immediate, beyond what is simply expedient. The DPRK is a moral society. If it were an immoral society, it would be a Leftist society.

Leftism is unprincipled. Thus it is a negative force. Because it stands for nothing, it is opposed to everything principled (and therefore all Leftist organizations eventually destroy themselves, but only after first destroying everyone and everything else). Leftism will make common cause with any force in opposition to anything, but never for something. Because of this, Opportunism occurs wherever Leftism is present.

When thinking about the DPRK– as with any country or culture– it is important to keep in mind that terminology or even the ideas that terminology seeks to express don’t cross borders very well. For example, what is traditional in one country or culture can appear to be radical in another country or culture. This is also true of how North Koreans view foreign countries and cultures. I do not presume to speak for them. However, I do suggest that foreigners who seek to understand the DPRK first learn about DPRK history, culture, and society. That can only be done in the context of the DPRK itself, which is to say that it is impossible to begin to comprehend the DPRK without visiting the DPRK.

So, while the KCNA points out that Darusman’s Golkar Party was responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of Indonesians involved in “leftist and labour circles” in 1965, the term “leftist” as used in this context by the KCNA means, in the US, something like a traditional church attempting to feed the hungry out of compassion. It does not mean Leftism (capital L) against which President Kim Il Sung warned, and against which the DPRK is now defending itself.

When the KCNA says that Darusman is an opportunist, it means that Darusman is unprincipled, which is to say he stands for nothing. Because Darusman and those in league with him stand for nothing, they stand in opposition to anything and everything, in this particular case the DPRK. Because they are unprincipled, they will stop at nothing. They have no internal morality to restrain them from anything. They are liars of the worst ilk. In other words, they are Leftism itself. In this context, Kirby’s advocacy for legitimizing homosexual “marriage” is no surprise. He is opposed to the DPRK precisely because the DPRK is a moral nation.

Eternal God, heavenly Father, the source of all principle and decency, protect and defend the people of the DPRK against the evils of Leftism and Opportunism, so that they may succeed in their endeavors to create a modern, prosperous, and moral society; this we pray through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

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